City of West Sacramento
Home MenuCrime Mapping
Welcome to the West Sacramento Police Department’s Community Crime Mapping Application
The Crime map section of the West Sacramento Police Department web site allows the public to see crimes that have been reported in the city within a few days of their occurrence. Our crime mapping records are updated each business day to ensure the most current information is available to the community. Users can choose which crime types they would like to view for a period of up to 90 days. The map can be viewed in four different formats: Street map, Satellite, hybrid, and terrain.
The Crime mapping data reflects crimes as they have been reported to the police. The information on the map is based on preliminary information supplied to the Police Department by the reporting parties and has not been confirmed. The preliminary crime classifications may change based on the direction of follow-up investigations. As such, the information provided on this site is used to give the community information about crimes in their neighborhoods and should not be used for in depth crime analysis.
The West Sacramento Police Department does not guarantee (expressed or implied) the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information and the information should not be used for comparison purposes over time. The West Sacramento Police Department will not be responsible for any errors or omission, or for the use of, or the results obtained from the use of this information. All data visualizations on maps should be considered approximate and attempts to derive specific addresses are strictly prohibited.
The West Sacramento Police Department is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages that are referenced by or that reference this web page. The user specifically acknowledges that the West Sacramento Police Department is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive, misleading, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. Any use of the information for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
By Clicking on the box marked "I Agree", I attest that I have read and understood the provisions stated above.
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Crime Mapping Access Instructions
After clicking on the link provided, a map of West Sacramento will appear showing crime incidents for the past 5 days. What appears are actual crimes for which police reports were written. It does not include calls for service where no police report was written. If you click on one of the individual icons displayed on the map, it will reveal the type of crime, the general location, the date and time of occurrence, and the police report number.
Above the map there are four tabs: Crime Types, dates, buffered addresses, and agencies. Under the “Crime type” tab the user can select specific crime types or select all. Each crime type checked will appear on the map corresponding to the specific icon. You can also use mini-icons to reduce the clutter on the page by clicking on the “Use mini icons” tab on the left hand side of the map. Under the dates tab, the user can select a date range going back up to 90 days. Under the “Buffered address”, the user can select a specific address (or street name) and view the crimes within a small radius of the chosen location. If a specific address is not recognized, enter the street name without the associated street numbers and the crimes in the vicinity will display.
Using the provided tools, you can zoom in or out, select different styles of maps, and receive “Crime Alerts” for crimes occurring in your neighborhood (Click on “Receive Crime Alerts” at the top on the page and follow instructions to use this feature).
You can also view a report of the crimes you have selected by clicking “Generate Report.” The report that appears only lists a brief summary of the crime types that you have chosen to view. It is not an actual police report.
There may be certain crimes that are not listed on these pages because the release of the details of the crimes may compromise the on-going investigation. Of the crimes listed, only a limited amount of details are released on each crime and we do not release the exact address, names of victims, or any suspect information.